Last Wednesday,  over 50 South Shore care providers and community groups, from Quincy to Plymouth and the Cape, came together to learn about health care planning information and tools, and to plan their next steps in building a strong community network of person-centered care. The October 28 workshop, “Honoring Choices: Health care Planning through Conversations and Connections” was generously hosted by The Village at Duxbury and Welch Healthcare, Overlook CARE, and our South Shore Honoring Choices Community Partners. The 50 plus participants offered insightful feedback on how Honoring Choices can support their work and help to meet some of their daily challenges. The participants engaged in lively round table discussions and together generated a ‘Next Steps’ checklist.  Due to the high response of groups expressing an interest in becoming a  Community Partner,  Honoring Choices will offer a special live webinar educational training for South Shore Community Partners in early December. The live webinar will deliver our “Who’s Your Agent? Educational Tool Kit” and staff implementation training. We are thrilled at the outpouring of collaboration and shared expertise to strengthen and expand this already strong network. We look forward to seeing what this mighty group of seasoned professionals can accomplish together!

Special thanks to Kate Granigan, MSW LICSW C-ASWCM, Vice President of Care Management, Overlook CARE and Lynda L. Chuckran, Director of Community Relations, Welch Healthcare and Retirement Group and The Village at Duxbury, pictured above,  for co-hosting this successful and energizing event!