Meet the Community Partners
Get help. Find a Partner in your Community
Community Partners offer a wide range of services to help adults & families at different phases of health. Some Partners can help to start a planning discussion; other Partners can provide care and services. Adults & families should contact a Partner directly to determine if their help and services are right for you. We list Partners here as information, and do not endorse, refer to or recommend services. New Partners join monthly. Please check back often. Everyone is welcome.
Every Partner is different; all work together in your region to:

Start planning discussions
Partners help adults to start a planning discussion to make a health care plan.

Connect adults to care
Partners provide or connect adults to care and services in their community.

Build a Partner Network
Partners work together to build a network of care and services.
Here are the 7 Community Partner Regional Networks

To Find a Community Partner, Click on Your Region below:

Meet the Community Partners in Your Region
The Partners in each region offer a wide range of services to help adults on their health care journey. All Partners use the Honoring Choices Who’s Your Agent?® Program and Tool Kits and are committed to helping adults get the best possible care that honors their values and choices.
Directions: Select a region above to view the list of Community Partners. Read a brief description about their services. You should contact a Partner directly to determine if their help & services are right for you. We list Partners here as information only, and do not endorse, refer to, or recommend services.