Personal Directive
What is a Personal Directive?
A Personal Directive (also know as a Living Will) is a personal document where you write down what's important to you and give your Agent, family and care providers information about the care you want and do not want. A Personal Directive, or any Living Will, is not legally binding in Massachusetts, but is an essential part of your health care plan. It's "your voice" for the care you want when you are unable to speak for yourself.
You can use the Honoring Choices Personal Directive in several ways:
- to start a discussion with your family or anyone important to you;
- to write down your instructions for your Health Care Agent;
- to start your health care plan if you have not yet chosen a Health Care Agent in a Health Care Proxy.
Here's how it works:
- Download the free Personal Directive, the short or long form
- The Short Form, is a great way to get started especially for adults enjoying good health
- The Long Form includes all the information in the short form and adds your choices for end of life care
- This is your personal document. You can write in anything you want: messages for others, actions to take, instructions for care while you recover or end of life care & treatment decisions.
- You can makes changes and additions to this document as you health needs and choices change over time
- It's simple to complete. You can do-it-yourself
Create Your Own Personal Directive
- Review the informational fact sheets in the blue boxes below
- Download a Personal Directive Instructions & Document Short Form or Long Form, or
- Download the "Getting Started Tool Kit" which contains a Health Care Proxy, Personal Directive (short form), and discussion guides
Information & Tools
Find informational fact sheets, documents & tools in the boxes below.
Did You Know?

It's your choice. The law supports a competent adult's right to make care decisions — even if others think it an unwise or a bad decision.
Even though the Personal Directive or any Living Will in MA is not legally binding on your doctors, it gives all your care providers clear evidence of what you want and do not want for care.